Monday, September 24, 2012

James Gunn Officially Directing Guardians of the Galaxy

James Gunn. He most recently brought you the psychotic Lollipop Chainsaw video game in which a cheerleader uniform clad vixen takes on a horde of the undead with a chainsaw. The same man brought you "Super", in which Rainn Wilson (from The Office) suits up as The Crimson Bolt and dispenses justice with an extra large, extra heavy wrench. The very same James Gunn  brought you the horror film "Slither" in which a redneck-ish business man is infected with an alien entity, causing him to grow tentacles, assimilate the town's populace and impregnate man and woman alike with his mind controlling, slug-like worm-babies. Amazing.

Much like the day geeks across the globe celebrated when our hero Joss Whedon got the Avengers gig, we can now have Ewok-inspired dancing in the streets moments in celebration of James Gunn appointed Director (and Writer!!) of Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy!!! James had this to say on the topic...

For a month or so there’s been a lot of Internet speculation about my involvement with Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. Until now I haven’t said anything, because I’m trying to be less expulsive about this project than I am about the rest of my life. But last night I got the go-ahead from Kevin Feige to let you all know that, yes, indeed, I am rewriting and directing Guardians of the Galaxy. As a lifelong lover of Marvel comics, space epics, AND raccoons, this is the movie I’ve been waiting to make since I was nine years old. Kevin, Joss, and all the folks at Marvel have been amazing collaborators so far, and we’re committed to bringing you something majestic, beautiful, and unique. I am incredibly excited. I am also incredibly grateful to the fans and the press for all their words of encouragement and support regarding my involvement with this project since the news first leaked. Thanks – you have, honestly, touched and overwhelmed me. And that’s it for now. Other than the occasional photos of my dog and cat here on Facebook, I’ll talk to you again in August 2014 when Guardians is released!

I fully expect Guardians of the Galaxy's first synopsis to read "Like Green Lantern on crack..and without the pussy ass outfits." That would make me very happy. Congrats, James!!

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