Mere days ago we were alerted to the return of an elusive creature who hides among your day glow Teddy Bears until, under the light of a full moon, it is TRANSFORMED into a snarling, bitey defender of skittish children across the globe! Yes, folks, WEREBEARS are back, and from the look of things at UK Toy Fair this morning, they are brilliant!
Midco Toys’ David Middleton played host for us as the Brittish toy extravaganza kicked off today, looking like a proud daddy to the little monstrous beasties. “Noticing the influx in the scare craze across video games, social media and toys, Midco Toys thought it was time to bring back the original jump scare plush,” commented David. “By teaming-up with George Nicholas, the original Creator, our heroes were reimagined for 2025. I believe the time is right to unleash The WereBears back into the world for audiences both old and young. The collection has true kid and kidult appeal and awesome transformation plush that goes from cute to gruesome.”
The all-new collection includes the much-loved characters of Grizzler, Howler, Fang and Gums plus Growler and Wendy in two sizes; huggable and bite-sized! ..i kid I kid. There will be large 10 inch transforming plush and small 6 inch bears.
Leading US plush supplier The Beverly Hills Teddy Bear Company (BHTB) has confirmed Character Options as the distributor of the nostalgic and gritty WereBears brand. Expect them to hit UK toy shelves this Fall. News on further releasing soon as the bears get their claws into NY Toy Fair in just over one month!
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