Directed by Justin Harding, “Carved” is based on the short film of the same name, which he also wrote and directed for a shorts program for Huluween Film Fest and teamed up with writer Cheryl Meyer to pen the feature version together. As part of WorthenBrooks’ first-look horror slate with Hulu Originals, “Carved” was developed by WorthenBrooks with David Brooks, Debbie Liebling, Arbi Pedrossian, and Jenna Cavelle serving as producers. Miles Alva is an executive producer. Lorne Raimi, Alex Hansen, and Nick Page are co-producing.
The Carved cast includes Peyton Elizabeth Lee, Corey Fogelmanis, Wyatt Lindner, Carla Jimenez, Sasha Mason, Jonah Lees, DJ Qualls, Marc-Sully Saint-Fleur, Elvis Nolasco, Matty Cardarople, Jackson Kelly, and Chris Elliot
Premieres only on Hulu Monday, October 21
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