Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Ghost Team One

In a world where nearly every concept has been done to death, you can honestly say the "Ghost Comedy" has been sorely overlooked. A Haunted House has just landed in theaters to dismal reviews, but that is a straight forward spoof of other films. Ready for something original??!!

Brad and Sergio are what wimps refer to as wussies. They don't want to see a ghost. But the girl they want to have sex with sure does. The housemates set out to film their own version of a Paranormal Activity as an excuse to be near her, but quickly find themselves much closer to a demon whore than the woman of their dreams. GHOST TEAM ONE is a comical spin on the found footage genre that delights in the dream space between a man's heart and his balls.

Did you read that?? "Delights in the dream space between a man's heart and his balls." That's pretty fucking poetic. How can you say no? Let's watch the trailer...

Have we got your interest piqued? Unfortunately, Ghost Team One is an indie that has to make some rounds first before we can see the whole thing and Slamdance is the first stop. Screenings are at...

Sunday, January 20th at 10:20pm – Main Screening Room – (Treasure Mountain Inn - 255 Main Street)
Thursday, January 24th at 1:00pm – Main Screening Room – (Treasure Mountain Inn - 255 Main Street)

If they can generate enough word of mouth and have viewers say the movie DOES NOT SUCK, we could expect to see a limited release, VOD and DVD by the end of the year! Hit up their facebook at http://www.facebook.com/GhostTeamOne to keep tabs on the project and show your support.

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