Walt Disney Animation Studios’ “Frozen,” directed by Chris Buck (“Tarzan”) and Jennifer Lee (“Wreck-It Ralph”- screenplay by), and produced by Peter Del Vecho (“Winnie the Pooh,” “The Princess and the Frog”), shared never-before-seen film footage, introduced by “Frozen” stars Kristen Bell, voice of Anna, and Josh Gad, voice of Olaf. Fans were also treated to a show-stopping live performance of the film’s powerful new song “Let It Go,” sung by Broadway’s Tony® Award-winner Idina Menzel, who provides the voice of Elsa in the film.
After some digging around the interwebs, I've turned up all squat as far as info on Disney's Frozen consumer products plans. Hell, even the wordage that accompanies images of Kristen Bell and Idina Menzel greeting their Mattel dolls for the first time didn't reveal a thing, but hey, at least the ladies looked pretty!
So all we've got to go on is what little info was gleened from the little signs in front of each display. We've got ...
The Castle Playset, Dolls and Figures from Mattel
...and now you're plotting how you can turn the castle into the Ice King's castle. I knew we were friends for a reason.
Check out the Disney Store Exclusive Elsa and Anna Doll 2 pack as well as dolls for Kristoff and Hans and a plush Olaf
Plush from Just Play
And Disney Store Costumes
In “Frozen,” fearless optimist Anna (voice of Bell) teams up with rugged mountain man Kristoff (voice of Jonathan Groff) and his loyal reindeer Sven in an epic journey, encountering Everest-like conditions, mystical trolls and a hilarious snowman named Olaf (voice of Gad) in a race to find Anna’s sister Elsa (voice of Menzel), whose icy powers have trapped the kingdom of Arendelle in eternal winter. In theaters Nov. 27, 2013.
See the full gallery of images by clicking HERE!
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