Friday, October 10, 2014

NYCC 2014: The LEGO Bionicle Mystery

We here at Idle Hands do our very best to shoot a little bit of everything among the thousands of pictures we blast at any given event. Some of the things we shoot, we know will be a big hit, and so we go to great lengths to cover every inch of it. Other things, we are just making sure you see all the awesome, grab one shot of everything as we slide through, and move along as fast as we can. Of course LEGO was on our "To-Do" list for the show, but when we dropped by and only saw a giant LEGO mask, we shot it and moved along. ......20 thousand views later...

We assumed you LEGO freaks already knew everything coming from your favorite company for the next year, and so we certainly didn't think a mask would drive you to new lengths of happy...but it did, and we are proud to have participated in said happy. Yesterday we doubled back and found our mysterious yellow mask had some little friends, so we shot the holy hell out of them. Here are the goods...

Keep checking back for more New York Comic Con Coverage!
Dive into our Flickr Galleries to drool over all the geekery at New York Comic Con 2014!

..and as always, if you love what you see and want to share it, please only take half of what is here and link back for the rest...and credit us as best as you possibly can. Thanks!

1 comment :

  1. Thanks for this coverage! I was really excited for the BIONICLE reveal at NYCC, especially since I was one of the LEGO Group's special invited guests for the reveal panel and the LEGO store building event afterwards. I even got to build and keep my own BIONICLE figure from the new pieces!
