Monday, April 22, 2013

Tribeca Beams Lil Bub Right To Your Computer

Have you been keeping tabs on my Twitter? I've been hitting the Tribeca Film festival over the last 2 weeks and reporting back with my impressions on some excellent indie films worthy of praise...and 1 where I watched an old man wrestle with an elevator door and later watched meat cook. They can't all be winners. This year, Tribeca wants you to get in on the freeee.

Can't make it out to NYC for TFF this year? Maybe you're stuck at work and need something to watch? No problem! Luckily for all you cyber-viewers, we've got the Tribeca Online Festival. (<~click that link back there to dive right in!) We have three festival feature films and tons more festival shorts and goodies for you. After watching any of our shorts or feature films make sure to cast your vote because they're competing for the grand prize in our shorts and feature-length competitions. Here's a list of all the goodies TOF 2013 has to offer:

Alias Ruby Blade: A Story of Love and Revolution: the remarkable story of documentarian-turned-activist Kirsty Sword Gusmão. Beginning with only a simple curiosity in the islands to the north of her native Australia, she becomes a forceful advocate for the tiny nation of Timor-Leste and a lynchpin in its harrowing struggle for independence. Meillier turns Gusmão and her team’s firsthand footage of the revolution into an insider’s guide to the personalities and secret networks that kept it alive. Along the way, we meet the charismatic leader of the resistance, Xanana, whose relationship with Kirsty would redefine the cause for which they both were fighting.

Lil Bub & Friendz: Called “the most famous cat on the Internet,” the wide-eyed perma-kitten Lil Bub is the adorable embodiment of the web’s fascination with all things cats. Born with a rare congenital condition that leaves her features perpetually kitten-like, Bub has won over millions of online fans through her YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram sites, which her owner Mike Bridavsky faithfully maintains. Eager to meet the rest of the web’s famous cats, Mike and Bub hit the road on a wild cross-country romp to get to know all of the Internet’s biggest cat-lebrities: Nyan Cat, Grumpy Cat, the late Keyboard Cat and a few aspiring new cat starlets. They even cross paths with Ben Lashes, the world’s first meme manager, and make an appearance at the inaugural Cat Video Film Festival.

Farah Goes Bang: Awkward twenty-something Farah Mahtab hits the road with her buddies K.J. and Roopa to stump for John Kerry in the 2004 presidential election, hoping the trip will also be her opportunity to finally shed the long-unwanted virginity that still clings to her despite her best—and most uncomfortable—efforts. Crisscrossing the culturally divided nation at this decisive post-9/11 moment, these multicultural girls find themselves and their politics unwelcome in many parts of the country. They take inspiration from their friendship and press on in their campaign, even as Farah’s efforts on both political and sexual fronts are continuously thwarted.


Delicacy: A culinary connoisseur and a chef go on a hunt for a rare animal....that requires virgin bait..

Exit Room: In 2021, an imprisoned journalist faces a government execution. As the executioner nears, he contemplates a desperate escape attempt to return to his young family.

Short Film About Guns: Examine the illegal arms trade and how it functions across the globe through the stories of four experts on arms trafficking. They recount their firsthand experiences with the black market and how the illegal flow of weapons facilitates loss of life and devastation.

RPG OKC: Two video game characters forge an unlikely romance. A must watch for gamers..and girls who scream all over FaceBook about their feels. So many feels here. All your feels. Two massive thumbs up from Idle Hands!

There's also a pile of sciency shorts and interesting projects to scope, so dig around after you've watched the goods and enjoy! hashtag #TFF2013
and the film makers will most likely see it! Living in the future rules.>

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