Friday, April 2, 2010

Ben Templesmith's Squidgirls

One of my favorite artists on the planet has a new project dropping this May. I have no idea what it is about...but it's called SQUIDGIRLS...and on the strength of that title and cover art alone, I want it. Squids + Girls = Love. No, I don't watch hentai. Whether it is porn or a new dawn for Cthulhu, only time will tell.

Templesmith says "Hardcover. 100 Pages. Limited edition. Comes in Colossal, Kraken and Humboldt versions."

Visit for more info as it rolls out.

1 comment :

  1. With a title like that, it CAN'T be bad. But I said the same thing about the paragraph on the back of "Jenifer" too...
