Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Minimates 10th Anniversary Event & Battle Beasts at NYCC

In celebration of ten years of Minimates, Diamond Select Toys will be holding a 10th Anniversary Minimates celebration in the toy line's birthplace, New York City! Reed Exhibitions' New York Comic-Con will host the event October 11-14, and the festivities will include an exhibit, a panel, a signing and three separate Minimate giveaways!

Located in room 1B02 of the Jacob Javits Center, the exhibit will showcase Minimates, artwork and animation from throughout the line's 10-year run, from their rock-and-roll beginnings at the NYC-based Art Asylum in 2002 to their multi-brand empire with Diamond Select Toys today. It will be open during Comic-Con show hours all four days, and attendees will receive one free promo Minimate from the company archives, while supplies last. (One per person for the weekend.)

The Minimates panel, taking place on Sunday at 10:45 in Room 1A06, will be attended by Product Manager Robert Yee, Minimate designers Uriel Caton and Barry Bradfield, and Marketing Supervisor Zach Oat. The presentation will focus on current and upcoming product, with a Q&A session to follow. Any attendee with a children's badge will receive a free Battle Beast Minimate, while supplies last. It will be followed by a free Universal Monsters poster signing with Uriel and Barry in the exhibit room.

The anniversary will be additionally commemorated with a white Minimate blank featuring the Minimates 10th Anniversary logo, to be given out at the Diamond Select Toys booth, #2167. The giveaway will start at 10:00, Friday through Sunday, and will stop when the day's allotment has been given out. The same Minimate will be given out all three days, one per person. Ask a DST staffer at the booth for your Minimate.

ALSO ON TAP for Diamond Select at New York Comic Con 2012...

The Battle Beasts have invaded San Francisco in the pages of IDW's comic book mini-series, and now they're invading Zoo York! Diamond Select Toys will hold a Battle Beasts signing at their booth at New York Comic-Con with Brooklyn-based artist Ulises Farinas, the artist behind the wraparound cover (and the SDCC exclusive cover) for Battle Beasts #1 from IDW Publishing. Farinas will sign free full-sized posters featuring the wraparound cover's detailed battle scene from issue #1, and will also sign Battle Beasts comics for fans at no charge. The signing will take place on Saturday from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm at the Diamond Select Toys booth, #2156.

Additionally, Diamond Select will discuss their upcoming Battle Beasts Minimates toy line at a panel on Sunday at 10:45 in room 1A06, along with other lines in the Minimates style. A slide presentation will be followed by a Q&A session, and all child attendees (must be wearing a child badge) will get a free Battle Beast promo Minimate.

The final issue of Battle Beasts from IDW comes out on October 24th, and the first series of Battle Beasts Minimates ships in December! Pre-order yours today!

Visit comicshoplocator.com to find the nearest comic shop, and get regular Battle Beasts updates on Facebook and Twitter!

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