Wednesday, March 17, 2010

American Vampire #1 In Stores Today

We generally don't like to give details on ONE issue of a comic book series, as you can fly through those pages in the time it would take you to read 4 articles on your beloved Idle Hands. When Stephen King is involved, though, we've got ourselves a special occasion!

American Vampire kicks off with two tales, both tied together by a character called Skinner Sweet who lurks around the first tale and is 100% monster in the second. These stories weave their way through America's past, focusing on two specific moments painted blood red by
creatures of the fanged variety. The material is dark but often funny, mean and slowly creeping. The pacing is genius, with a natural build in each chapter which takes a hard turn into horrorville. You'll laugh one minute and have your jaw dropped the next. Oddly, even when this book is being extremely dark, its still eerily funny. EXACTLY what you want in a horror story set-up! It is too soon to tell if this comic will have any heroes, but I'm in for the long hall.

Vertigo tells us that every month, American Vampire will contain two stories, one of which will be penned by Stephen King, so head over to your local comic shop and put this title on reserve ASAP. As for issue number one, it is in stores NOW.

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